White Lake Lookout
Directions: Approx. 9.3 km east of Sorrento on Hwy 1 at the Balmoral Rd junction, White Lake Rd forms a loop, returning to Hwy 1 at Carlin 4 km farther east, approx. 20 km west of Salmon Arm. Watch for the John Evdokimoff Bike Park sign just before the Parri Rd. intersection at the west end of White Lake. Park here. The trail begins on the left/southwest side of the parking area. STA access map here.
Description of site:
This is a beautiful trail with a great view of White Lake and Little White Lake. It includes views of the Shuswap Watershed including Mount Ida and the backside of Bastion Mountain. Ecologically, this is a great hike, beginning along a wet and dark creek lined with cedar trees, climbing up to dry and rocky bluffs. This 2 km trail takes 1/2 an hour to an hour depending on your pace.
Click here for additional info and trail updates on this location from the Shuswap Trail Alliance website. Includes access maps.
Suitable for grades: 2-12, a touch steep near the top with dangerous bluffs
Teaching space:
The trail-head and lookout at the top offer space to gather the class. The top area does flatten out and is spacious enough to split into groups and do a field study. The trail itself is narrow and does not offer many offer many opportunities to bring the class together (with the exception of the short section on the FSR road).
Other pertinent details:
Picnic tables: Yes at bike park
Bathrooms: Yes (by parking lot)
Cell phone reception: Yes
Adequate parking if necessary: Large parking lot
Shelter for students: Yes
Other useful amenities: Bluffs, creek, lake, bike park, nearby park across from fire hall with picnic tables
Lesson plans:
Talk to Carmen Dawkins at Carlin if you are looking for ideas!
Curriculum connections: Science, Social studies, Art, Physical Education, L.A.
Safety Notes: Some sections of this trail are very steep. Make clear boundaries for where they must stand behind (cones and backpacks work well) and have clear rules around your expectations when around steep sections. You must make an extra effort to always keep your students in sight at the top of this hike and bringing along many parent volunteers is recommended. Depending on your class, a ratio of 5:1 of students to parents maybe suitable. Walking single file with ample space between students is a must as you approach the steeper sections.