Turner Creek Rotary Trail - SMS to Waterfront
Click image for site map and details in google maps.
Directions: There are many good starting locations.
Description of site: This short 2.6 kilometre hike is good to combine with a visit to little mountain, or a short (but steep hike) for younger grades. The trail climbs winding back and forth along Turner Creek, through dry terrain plants at the bottom gradually giving way to deciduous, fir and cedar at the top. This trail passes 2 ponds, great for doing a pond-invertebrate study with your class. This is a good way to connect different schools, including SMS, South Broadview, Bastion, Jackson and Okanagan College.
Suitable for grades: 1-12
Teaching space: There is enough space for 2 classes, but this location is best suited to a group of 20-30 students.
Other pertinent details:
Picnic tables: No
Bathrooms: At Rec Centre or adjacent schools.
Cell phone reception: Yes
Adequate parking if necessary: Depends on start location.
Shelter for students: No
Other useful amenities: ponds, creek, shelter under trees
Lesson Plans: Image capture / scavenger hunt. A study of human impacts on ecosystems (both positive and negative). Contact Kira Limber for details.
Photos of site: awaiting submissions from teachers!
Curriculum Connections: Ecosystems, plants, animals, community mapping, physical education, among others!