Cress Creek and Hanna's Orchard Loop
Click image for site map and details in google maps.
Directions: There are many good starting locations. Note that there is only room for a few cars to park at Cress Creek trail head on 20th Ave NE.
Description of site: This short 2-3 kilometre hike offers good ecological diversity and a unique perspective on Broadview. Between Hanna's orchard and 20th Ave a dry meadow offers good bird viewing and as you connect with Cress Creek Trail, the wetness of the creek provides a wet cedar/hemlock forest with associated plant life. Throughout this walk there are a number of good locations where kids can spread out and engage in hands on activities. There are some road crossings, so be sure to have adequate supervision ratios!
Suitable for grades: 1-12
Teaching space: There is enough space for 2 classes, but this location is best suited to a group of 20-30 students.
Other pertinent details:
Picnic tables: No
Bathrooms: No
Cell phone reception: Yes
Adequate parking if necessary: Depends on start location. Parking available across from the good samaritan
Shelter for students: No
Other useful amenities: ponds, creek, meadow, shelter under trees
Lesson Plans: awaiting submissions from teachers!
Photos of site: awaiting submissions from teachers!
Curriculum Connections: Ecosystems, farming, plants, animals, physical education, among others!